With These Tips, Spot A Fake SD Memory Card Before You Get Scammed.

With These Tips, Spot A Fake SD Memory Card Before You Get Scammed.

Just in case you didn’t know, a Secure Digital (SD) card is a proprietary non-volatile memory card used in portable devices as an extra form of storage. Don’t get so confused, an SD card is a type of memory card which has different sizes and card families like the original Standard-Capacity (SDSC), the High-Capacity (SDHC), the eXtended-Capacity (SDXC), the Ultra-Capacity (SDUC), and the Input-Output (SDIO). The various sizes of SD cards (the original size, mini, and micro) are used in all sorts of devices ranging from large to even the portable ones. In fact, some fancy and latest devices come with an inbuilt SD card. Devices are developed with their own storage capability which at some point might not be sufficient for the user. At this point, you’ll need to get yourself some form of extra storage and you might just be sold a fake SD memory card without your knowledge. But how can you spot a Fake SD memory card?

Place of Purchase

It is not uncommon to see people sell SD cards by the roadside in large quantities. This does not bring to the conclusion that all those are counterfeit products, however, the possibility can’t be erased. In most case, they are sold at incredibly cheap prices which should make one immediately suspicious. Like the saying goes, ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so don’t get entangled as a result of a cheap deal. In this case, the sellers are at more advantage than you are because the products have been perfectly sealed in its package which means they can’t be tested except you have agreed to purchase them. It’s a lot safer to buy any similar product or tech accessories from a reputable store. This way, you know who to hold responsible if things don’t go right. Well, they also care about preserving their reputation. 

The Outlook

Someone once said that almost all SD cards available today are fake; that isn’t so true. Regardless of the proliferation of fake SD memory cards within the country, you can still get an original one. Before you even get to the dealer’s store, you should have done your research. You should know what brand you want to buy from; this way, you will recognise their logo, design, and even packaging. Out there, some fake SD memory card have reputable brand names written on them and sadly, those brands do not even produce SD cards. If you are familiar with a brand making this product, you’ll hardly make the mistake of purchasing one like this.

When a fake and original SD card is placed side-by-side, you will find some obvious differences. The logo might be misplaced, the size written on it is different from what’s actually in it. When the front part of this item is scratched, the text on it peels off very easily. Sometimes, you are able to use a fake SD memory card for a while but not before long, it’s likely to give issues.

Inserting a fake SD memory card into your device puts you at risk. Your data could get corrupted, or even totally lost. Some other actions you may notice on your device as a result of a corrupt/fake SD cards are - the unavailability of information that exists on the card, the display of ‘insufficient space’, ‘your existing data is overwritten’, ‘no SD card found’ ‘your SD card is corrupted’ and many more. 
A single SD memory card can work in various devices like mobile phones, cameras, camcorders, and more. This means a corrupted card can affect information stored on those devices. Be extra careful if you wish to get an authentic SD memory card that will serve your purpose long-term. You can also get SD cards from SellOff.ng without the fear of it being counterfeit. All our sellers are moderated and approved, you should check them out.